IC security is our passion. We cannot stop talking about it.

Here we collected all our blog posts on information related to chips reverse engineering & security.

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Silicium on the Inside

You've always wanted to see what's inside an Integrated Circuit? This video shows you the internal architecture of a chip, down to its Standard Cell Library.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urUFiNcingQ

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The problem of IC counterfeiting and its solution

The problem of IC counterfeiting and its solution Clarisse GINET - CEO @Texplained Counterfeit Information and Communication Technology (ICT) goods accounted for 6.5 % of ICT global market in 2013, representing USD 143 bn of loss for the whole related industry...

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How to become a silicon level security professional?

How to become a silicon level security professional? Hardware attacks are often thought to be about spying bus on a circuit board (PCB) or being about measuring an Integrated Circuit power consumption (SPA, DPA, ...) in order to extract its cryptographic keys and...

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