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IC security is our passion. We cannot stop talking about it. Here we collected all our blog posts on information related to chips reverse engineering & security. To know about the next events of which Texplained is taking part and what journalists say about us, go to our News Page

2025/01/22 – ORSHIN European Project: Interview of our CEO
https://vimeo.com/1023999368 In this interview, our CEO and Co-Founder provides an update on ORSHIN's progress and a comprehensive overview of its outcomes. Through ORSHIN, Texplained shares its insights and expertise in hardware security design and evaluation,...
read more2024/09/11 – Women in Tech – Interview of our CEO
https://www.aktantis.com/2024/09/11/portrait-dingenieure-en-microelectronique-clarisse-chez-texplained/ Our CEO shares her perspective on the role of women in science and society as a whole. She also offers advice to girls and parents on fostering a more inclusive...
read more2023/09/11 – ORSHIN – Video Presentation
ORSHIN: Open-source ReSilient Hardware and software for Internet of thiNgs (Project funded by Europe)Watch this 2' Video presenting ORSHIN project, which goal is to create the first generic and integrated methodology, called trusted lifecycle, to develop secure...
read more2023/09/03 – Read our paper! RISC-V: 3 countermeasures to prevent from linear code extraction
"Lightweight Countermeasures Against Original Linear Code Extraction Attacks on a RISC-V Core"Our paper, presented, demonstrated and published at 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST), is now readable on IEEE XploreAuthors:...
read more2023/04/17 – Lightweight Countermeasures Preventing Against Linear Code Extraction Attacks on a RISC-V
HOST, San José, 1-4 May 2023Partners Mines Saint-Etienne, CEA Leti and Texplained will present a paper and a practical demo of a physical attack allowing extraction of encrypted chips and 3 different countermeasures to prevent from them. There are 2...
read more2023/03/03 – Practical Invasive Attacks, How Hardware is Hacked For Compatible Product Creation by Thomas Olivier
See how Reverse Engineering is used to create compatible printer cartridges, console remote controllers and other peripherals. From Sample preparation, to reverse engineering, countermeasures circumventing and hack strategization and operation, a concrete case study...
read more2022/12/16 – Report – Counterfeit, Clones and Genuine Printer Cartridges – HP
As an independent expert lab in IC security, Texplained was mandated by HP Legal Teams to compare Counterfeits, Clones & Genuine Printer Cartridges.The operation consisted in plugging in the different cartridges, observing the behavior of the printers, and...
read more2020/09/22 – Texplained’s Expertise Serving Europe fights against crime and terrorism
Texplained Leading the Hardware Approach to Extract Essential Information for Decryption in a Major European Project Encrypted mobile phones are often a key factor in criminal cases; the data stored in these devices may contain critical evidence. With most telephones...
read more2019/07/03 – Integrated Circuit Offensive Security | Olivier Thomas from Texplained | hardwear.io USA 2019
read more2019/04/10 – Silicium on the Inside
You've always wanted to see what's inside an Integrated Circuit? This video shows you the internal architecture of a chip, down to its Standard Cell Library....
read moreAll Texplained Videos
Visit our Youtube page to watch our videos: Among which our talks at STTIC 2016 & Black Hat 2015
read moreOn the Impact of Placement on Integrated Circuit Reverse-Engineering
On the Impact of Placement on Integrated Circuit Reverse-Engineering Integrated Circuit (IC) Reverse-Engineering (RE) requires delayering and imagery steps. Those tasks are both challenging as the resulting pictures - made with a Scanning Electron...
read moreThe problem of IC counterfeiting and its solution
The problem of IC counterfeiting and its solution Clarisse GINET - CEO @Texplained Counterfeit Information and Communication Technology (ICT) goods accounted for 6.5 % of ICT global market in 2013, representing USD 143 bn of loss for the whole related industry...
read moreHow it is made : Nintendo Switch game cartridge
How it is made : Nintendo Switch game cartridge Tony Moor - Lab Manager Nintendo release its new hardware and made the choice to store games on cartridges. This will make those the preferred target for hackers that may not have to compromise the console itself to...
read moreBehind the horror are important and real hardware security questions
Behind the horror are important and real hardware security questions Olivier Thomas - Founder and CTO @ Texplained As CTO of Texplained but mainly as a hardware reverse-engineer, I wanted to comment on some of the recent articles I read about extracting the secrets...
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